Recently my husband has gotten me to watch this show on the Discovery Channel called “Dirty Jobs”. And on this show the host, Mike Rowe, travels around the country performing Really. Dirty. Jobs.
Some of them are not too bad (relatively speaking), like scraping gum off of city sidewalks or chipping dried cement off the inside of a cement mixer.
Some of them are awesomely funny, like when he has to try and herd ostriches.
Some of them are so disgusting that I cannot eat for hours afterward. (Although in comparison, having a cat who occasionally goes to the bathroom in my tub isn’t really so bad.)
But the best thing about this show is how it helps me keep everything in perspective, something my dad always encouraged me to do when I was growing up.
So I think I had a bad day, huh? Well, did I have to collect boar semen? Or do anything involving hot tar? No? Well, then I’m probably doing just fine.
Hi Jenny,
I have to admit that every once in a while I need a Jenny fix. You really touched my soul when we were at CFL together last March. You are an amazing woman with such a great sense of humor. So every once in a while I hop on here an see what is up in your life….its always something fun…or funny… Thanks for sharing with the world your wonderful personality. You have a real talent for writing. Take GOOD care of yourself!
Christy Peck
Thanks so much, Christy! It’s so great to hear from you again!