Because then, when I say something completely idiotic, I’m the one who gets to decide whether or not to share it with the world.
Like yesterday, when I was talking to my mom and getting an update on my grandfather. In the past week he has undergone knee replacement surgery, a catheterization, a heart attack that went on for two days before it was discovered and treated, and quintuple bypass surgery. And yet somehow, knowing all of this as I did, I still had the following conversation with my mother:
Me: “Did someone tell me that [Grampie’s sister and her husband] were driving up there?”
Mom: “Yes they did. They drove 19 hours. And it will be 19 hours on the way back, too!”
Me: “Wow! They drove all that way just for this?”
You’re hilarious! I’m laughing so hard I’ve got tears in my eyes! Love your writing!
Thanks, Shari!