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As I mentioned before, this past weekend I went to North Carolina to visit my family.
I drove up Friday to my parents’ house, and then the next day we went to visit my brother and his new bride. I think my brother is really cool, for so many different reasons. Not the least of which is the fact that he has two different colored eyes, which he kindly let me take a picture of this weekend to share with all of you. It was only recently that we learned that this is an actual condition called “heterochromia iridium”, and not just my brother being different in his own unique way.
So that doesn’t really have anything to do with the rest of this story, except for the fact that I think it’s really cool, and the fact that going to see my brother and sister-in-law was the reason I was at my parents’ house and able to participate in this story.
After we got back to my parents’ house it was time to watch golf. I don’t have the energy right now to go into all the details of my family’s passionate love affair with golf, but suffice it to say that everyone except me L-O-V-E-S it, and thanks to cable it is now possible for them to watch golf 24 hours a day.
So apparently this weekend a lot of the major players on the PGA tour were in Chicago participating in the Cialis Western Open. And, as usual, my parents were trying to convert me into a golf lover, extolling all the virtues of the game like mental discipline, elegance, beauty, drama, history, tradition, blah, blah, blah. But I was not buying it At All, because I could not get past the fact that the whole entire theme of this particular sporting competition was, “Men Having More Sex Because Their Penises Work Better.” (Apparently I was the only one who found that even a little weird.)
And so I declared to my parents that from now on I was going to refer to this particular event as, “The Penis Open”.
And they had nothing to say after that.
I am a bit of a golf enthusiast myself, but I so agree with your assessment of the television side of the game. LOVE THE NEW NAME FOR IT!!!
Thanks, Debra. I’m quite fond of it, too. My parents-not so much :).
I hear ya’ watching golf is boring, I’d rather be playing any sport any time then watching it…this site might be nice for your parents:
Actually, I don’t really mind watching golf (for really short periods of time). Baseball-that’s another story!