Tonight in the car, on the way home from voting.
Me (to my husband): “What is eminent domain?”
My husband (so stunned that he physically recoils): “Did you take Civics?”
Me: “Ye-es.”
My husband (in a tone that clearly says, I cannot believe I let you sleep in my bed every night): “Do you watch the news?”
Me: “No. Could you please just answer my question without trying to make me feel bad?”
My husband: “Um, no, apparently not.”
If it makes you feel any better, my friend texted me today extremely excited because she voted for the first time. She told me that it was just like ordering from sheetz but you didnt get the biscuit at the end. There is democracy in action for you….
Just slap him :~)
Hey, I know what eminent domain is, but I have absolutely no idea why in the world it would be on a ballot to be voted on. So dont feel that badly
OH. MY. GOD. Apparently you are married to my father.
Eminent Domain: The legal way the government steals. Doesn’t that make us all feel better? Yeah.
Hey, I thought I knew what eminent domain was until you asked me explain it..hmmm. I keep wondering about the one that asked us about “doyou want to support the TRADITION of fishing and hunting?” Can you say…leading question???
Taking Civics, and understanding and/or remembering it…two totally different things!